Recent content by estott

  1. estott

    look what I found in the yard!

    awsome animal and great pictures.. you cant beat natural sunlight when it comes to bringing out the colors
  2. estott


    well shese got some good weight on her at least.... she shoud bounce back like the other say....
  3. estott

    some rarities from my breeding room

    awsome, i like the dalmation super snow enigma..
  4. estott

    Show me some Smiles!

    awsome pictures guys.... here are a few of mine
  5. estott

    They come from the Sin City! (New geckos)

    thats some intense orange... i need some of that in my collection
  6. estott

    I probably shouldn't have, but I just couldn't resist!

    wow look at him... awsome gecko
  7. estott

    First Enigma

    congrats on your first enigma, looks good ..
  8. estott

    Then/Now pics!

    awsome pictures every one your animals are looking good
  9. estott

    new babies raptors het embers

    awsome little ones....
  10. estott


    awsome mike...
  11. estott

    Eye Color

    thats nice tommy. you just recently got that one in right ?? i like it
  12. estott

    Pet Store vs. Breeder

    I have found that it is easier to find a good breeder than it is to find a good pet store. with that being said 99 percent of my leos have come from Breeders.
  13. estott

    Eye Color

    ehh i dont have any eye shotys right now, but i do have some shots that you can see the eye pretty good.
  14. estott

    fleamarket leos

    yeah bro do it ill come visit you, lol. what flea market are you talking about ?