Recent content by FLgeckos

  1. F

    Rare Green Anoles

    Yes, there are a few areas I have mapped out that I clear out the Brown Anoles for the Green Anoles. Still even with that I only find a few and the Brown Anoles just keep coming. :(
  2. F


    :) Yeah
  3. F

    Rare Green Anoles

    They are really awesome, but I like Saba Anoles the best.
  4. F

    Deli cups?

    What size deli cup/ box size should I use for shipping my adult leopard geckos?:main_huh:
  5. F

    Mongoose Awareness Day (M.A.D.)

    As we all know April 7th is the annual Mongoose Awareness Day (M.A.D.) And I would like to use this day for all to express their loss of any reptiles and amphibians. This is a tragic day and all should pay their respects and show sympathy towards those who have lost any cold-blooded friends to...
  6. F

    Very Negative Feeback for MG Reptiles mgreptiles

    Wow skilled business man, I hope that people like him get put out of business.
  7. F

    Rare Green Anoles

    I have done a lot more research now and feel pretty stupid. But oh well beginner mistake.
  8. F

    Rare Green Anoles

    No I saw a more but I just took a few
  9. F

    new anoles!

    Anoles can store sperm so thats probably how
  10. F


    I am so mad at Georgia reptile laws. They prohibit the keeping of native reptiles as pets. This wouldn't bother me if the house I was staying at wasn't surrounded by armies of lizards and snakes. Seriously, doing herpetology from a distance is fun but I really want to catch one of the Anoles. In...
  11. F

    Rare Green Anoles

    I seem to have the luck of sailing to Anoless areas
  12. F

    Rare Green Anoles

    In Florida they are become rarer due to brown anole expansion but I defiantly should take a trip to texas sometime.
  13. F

    Rare Green Anoles

    While on the field caught three beautiful green anoles. Rare in Florida we sadly missed a few and one escaped. Oh well at least these guys are breed able.
  14. F

    Documentaries of leos in the wild??

    I just filmed a short documentary on my friends totois, the only problem. I have no clue about tortoises so it's just a compelation of video and music. The next film will be about what I know, it was still a fun project. I really enjoy Anole alley though on YouTube
  15. F

    Name that Gecko
