Trait breeding?


Brian O

I am wondering about how I would go about proving a trait while not damaging a line. If the parents show a trait and their offspring show it then what? I thought that I had read that you breed the offspring back to the parents. So to continue from there do you breed brother to sister? I have never bred the same lines together let alone closely related offspring. So I don't know the rule of thumb for this. The parents come from different lines if this is helpful. Male from one and two females from another.


New Member
I googled Traut breeding and ofund nothing. Do you meant true breeding? I think you would be right by saying breeding hatchlings to parents and all that, but if you have a pair of hatchlings better than the parents yo may breed them together. But at the very beginning yo may want to outcross(i think i know the project your thinking about) to related geckos even if they dont show the trait, like lets say yo ugot 5 geckos from sombody, 3 of them showed the trait, breed those together and breed the male to one of the 2 remaining geckos from the group so that you can outcross and not have genetics further down the line.

Brian O

I guess spell check doesn't work on the title. It was supposed to be trait.

Ok here is what I have done already Paul. I bred the male to two separate females( ALL unrelated). Now I am pretty sure I am supposed to breed the offspring back to the parents. I am curious what the next step would be?


New Member
I would just breed the ones that express the trait the most together. Then after than breed a male to the outcrossed geckos.


New Member
New to geckos but with ball pythons u can breed dad/daughter and mother/son but been told brother/sister is bad


New Member
I have yet to do this but It is ok to breed father/daughter mother/son. Alot of breeders do this with out any problems. but I would outcross the generation after that so you don't risk genetic defects that come along with inbreeding. In my opinion, brother and sister should never be breed together. They are too close geneticly and you have a high chance of defects.

I hope I answered your question. I asume trait breeding is the same as line breeding? I never heard of trait breeding.


Deliriously Random
Okay this is my line of logic on all of this...

If you want to breed Father to the Daughters and Mothers to the Sons, that's okay -- I would even venture to say that Sister to Brother would be okay. My personal is that I would breed the father back to all of the daughters. Once completing the Homozygous phenotype (guessing that it is a simple recessive trait) I would then outcross with... Well, depending on the morph, you may want it to be more orange or whiter. Thusly I'd outcross with a superb Tangerine for my orange or an A+ Linebred Snow for whiter.. Just depends on what you're making.

Hope that helps at all, if you have any more questions or just want to bounce of some ideas, you can always PM me.

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