wow, some people.

The NY Gecko

Don't Get So Carried Away
Rochester, NY
I'm on the way home from a friends, with my friend chris in tow. We get to this street going past some apartments and 2 black kids are walking down it. They get in the way and one tips off my hat and calls me a vulgar name, think cat. Anyways I say "What did you say to me?" and he comes at me. I kicked him in the side of the knee before he could get me. I heard that sound was awful but good lord. First a pop, then snap, and bones grinding. Then his friend went at me and I hit him in the throat. Tonights lesson? Be grateful for learning self defense.


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
I don't know, if someone tipped my hat off, called me "cat" and then "came at me" Id probably hit them before they could hit me too. Im not much into letting someone harm me before I try to stop them.

Now had Tom stopped the guy then continued to "beat" him that woudl be different.

And of coarse Tom has some growing up to do, he is 16!


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
Quote from Post
The NY Gecko said:
They get in the way and one tips off my hat and calls me a vulgar name, think cat. Anyways I say "What did you say to me?" and he comes at me.

Well I did read it and people do react differently for sure, Im not going to let someone come at me and do nothing esp after they have blocked me from passing, knocked my hat off and called me a vulgar name!


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
gixxer3420 said:
If you read his post those kids didn't come at him they were already there, they knocked his hat off.

I guess some people will react differently, i know I would walk away. no need to get in a fight if some one knocking your hat off or calling you cat, big deal.

Sorry left off what I was replying to.


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
lol yep, I would have smacked em for sure as would my dad and thats probably where I get it from but my husband, mom and many of my friends would have ignored it, never said a word and walked away but I would not.

Now if it was a kid that did that to me, Id of grabbed them by the arm and drug them to their parents to let them know what happened because I am 36, don't want anyone to think Id hit a kid but if it were the same situation with a liek age person I would react.


personally I've had people "go at me" but when they have I just walked away, if you notice, most will stay just behind you, yelling and making fools of themselves. And know what, that ticks them off a lot more than to get a rise out of ya by you reacting.

The NY Gecko

Don't Get So Carried Away
Rochester, NY
I guess when I say came at me I should of been more clear, he started swinging. I just wanna know what would compel someone to do something like this for no reason.


The NY Gecko said:
I guess when I say came at me I should of been more clear, he started swinging. I just wanna know what would compel someone to do something like this for no reason.

He came at, you because you gave him the slightest reason to think that you challenged him, therefore he had to make sure that his testosterone was not offended. It's pointless to even respond with the "what did you say to me" because he was looking for a fight that day and you gave him a reason. Now due to the fact that you made him look like an absolute idiot, he may get a bunch of his buddies that aren't going to just come at you one at a time, but surround you and take you down all at once. People like that don't see that they've been fairly beaten, they now see it as a reason to bring in their "boys"


Let's Go Bears!
ALWAYS be careful in these types of incidents. We always hear about these types of fights on the news where someone will eventually have a weapon and POP someone's gone, over nothing.

Trust me, I always get riled up over stuff like this but I never confront anybody over fear of somebody having a gun, knife or anything dangerous for that matter. Whatever happened to the good old days when everyone fought with their fists? Be careful.


gaparicio said:
ALWAYS be careful in these types of incidents. We always hear about these types of fights on the news where someone will eventually have a weapon and POP someone's gone, over nothing.

Trust me, I always get riled up over stuff like this but I never confront anybody over fear of somebody having a gun, knife or anything dangerous for that matter. Whatever happened to the good old days when everyone fought with their fists? Be careful.

At least someone saw my point...that's the kind of BS that goes on now, sometimes you have to wonder what direction this country is going in. There was a huge street fight in front of my house, started by one of my tenants....he said the wrong "N" word to the wrong crowd, and I backed out of it, cause I was trying to pull him out of it. But once you go that far and say the wrong thing, I'm leavin ya on your own. I stood with the girls of the other crowd and called him a moron, they then knew I was impartial and wanted nothing to do with it. Needless to say a bunch of people got hurt, even ones that I knew, and I jumped in and pulled girls off my next door neighbor who passed by and got thrown to the ground and kicked in the head...but they never touched me...but 2 seconds later a few knives were pulled out where the guys were fighting....they were lucky the cops showed up.

Just goes to show what saying something to the wrong person can get ya....I came away untouched cause I made my place known, my place was not in the fight. Mine was trying to stop it or at least keep the people I knew from getting hurt. Without making myself threatening.

Grinning Geckos

Tegan onboard.
Geez....scary! I'm soooo glad this sort of crap never happens around me. Of course, being really paranoid around crowds probably helps me out. I'm climbing the walls before someone can think (or not think?) of doing something really stupid.


Grinning Geckos said:
Geez....scary! I'm soooo glad this sort of crap never happens around me. Of course, being really paranoid around crowds probably helps me out. I'm climbing the walls before someone can think (or not think?) of doing something really stupid.

SHANTI GO INTO LABOR FOR CRYIN OUT LOUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WE WANNA SEE THAT LITTLE GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Although I can see the other side about trying to walk away, I absolutely understand where you're coming from Tom...

Outside the club, closing time. Some drunken idiot giving my friend dirty looks for no apparent reason. Basically, he was ignored, and when he couldn't get a rise out of my friend, he started mouthing off and advancing. Obviously, my friend had to defend himself, and then all hell broke loose; basically anybody associated with my friend was fair game for this guy and his crew. It escalated to the point of my buddy having someone jump on his back after defending himself against the first idiot, and one of my girlfriends getting her head (literally) stomped on. She had a girl come flying at her, arms flailing, and defended herself; next thing she knew, she was on the ground, trying to (again literally) cover her head and not get killed... and that's aside from the rest of the swinging that was going on!

I guess what I'm trying to say is this: sometimes you can't just ignore it, or walk away from it. If they had turned away once this guy started advancing, they would have gotten jumped from behind, simply due to the fact that these people were looking for a fight. When you're blatantly challenged by a total stranger for no apparent reason, you can pretty much expect they'll do just about anything to start a fight.

Tom, it's good that you defended yourself. Keep an eye out, though, in case these guys try to retaliate.


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
thats the thing, it seems obvious these guys were going to get a fight and Tom stopped it before it started. Hopefully they learned a lesson and will leave him alone! If not, well, Tom will have to teach them a new lesson.

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