Leopard Gecko Can't Poop


New Member
Hello, I have gotten a rescue leopard gecko and I have had him for a few months now. His health has been all over the place, but at the moment he is declining. I believe he has Enigma syndrome, as he has been showing a lot of the symptoms for a while now. If not that, he definitely has a neurological disorder. I need to hand feed him, I need to assist him with drinking by using a syringe, and lately I have had to help him defecate. He barely moves, he either rolls over on his back or stares straight up. Sometimes he tilts his head when I walk by. I know he is struggling and it hurts to see. He needs assistance with doing pretty much anything.
He has not pooped in a long time, and he is clearly bloated. I have been giving him warm baths with Pedialyte, I have been giving him olive oil, and I've been rubbing his stomach. The poop gets about halfway out but that's it. I've tried to help it out but it just breaks off. He's trying really hard to get it out, he lifts up his tail and moves his lower body which he usually never does. It's almost like he is paralyzed.

I know that the best thing to do would be to take him to the vet, but I currently can't do that as I'm trying to financially recover from many hospital visits, and it seems that being able to live is quite expensive for all species...

Any advice is greatly appreciated. I am doing all I can for the poor guy, and I hope to take him to the vet in the near future if he makes it. I can tell he's struggling a lot and that he's very tired. I am wondering if it would be more humane to get him put down, but the thought of it makes me very sad.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
If the poop is coming partway out, you could try pressing on his belly rather than pulling it out. It is sounding as if he isn't having much quality of life. One thing you can consider, if you decide to go this route is to bring him to a regular vet and for a relatively small fee they will put him down,



New Member
If the poop is coming partway out, you could try pressing on his belly rather than pulling it out. It is sounding as if he isn't having much quality of life. One thing you can consider, if you decide to go this route is to bring him to a regular vet and for a relatively small fee they will put him down,

I have been pressing on his belly/rubbing his belly, but it does not seem to do much.
I agree that he isn't having the best quality of life... I hate to see him this way, and I do consider euthanizing from time to time, but then I just feel like I'm giving up on him. Sometimes I wonder if he does have the strength to get better.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
It's a tough situation. I generally let my dying geckos just drift off. I currently have a dying male gecko. He's 19 years old! He isn't eating but he will lick up water drops, so I hydrate him and just let him do his thing for how ever long he'll be with me.



New Member
He passed today in my hands. I feel horrible. I never got him to poop, and he was declining so much.

I am wondering if I could get him cremated and have an urn for him. I don't want to bury him, I want to keep his remains in some way, but I know it will likely be expensive.

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