Recent content by LeapinLizards

  1. LeapinLizards


    Kasey, have you gotten the results yet? I was diagnosed with PCOS a few months ago when a blood test and other testing came back and showed that I was just not ovulating, period (no pun intended :)) I was then put on a birth control, which was then changed 3 times in the last 3 months due to my...
  2. LeapinLizards

    Happy Birthday Heather!!!

    Thanks Kristi :) you are too sweet!
  3. LeapinLizards

    *coming out from hiding*

    Things are getting better each day :) I'm so glad to hear you guys are doing well! I was getting worried about you two. Can't wait to see you!!!!
  4. LeapinLizards

    *coming out from hiding*

    I'll be joining you two down there in April :)
  5. LeapinLizards

    Shutzhund (police training) video

    Maia...I agree! Have you ever had the pleasure of seeing these guys in action in person? I raised and bred Rottweilers, with world champion Schutzhund blood lines for years, so had many chances to witness the power of these guys!!! My last female I had came from the '06 USRC NE Regional...
  6. LeapinLizards

    Look Out Californians!

    LOL Eric, I know you're gonna give me heck for this one for awhile! But...think of it this way...on my drives back and forth I can always stop and say hi to you guys :) Jess, that will be so awesome if you guys end up working everything out and move over there too!!! I'm VERY excited :)
  7. LeapinLizards

    Look Out Californians!

    Dublin/Pleasanton/Walnut Creek...not exactly sure yet, but in that area :) Liz, I would have loved to do that lady...I'm sure I'd fall in love with the east coast. Money kind of puts a damper on vacations though haha ;)
  8. LeapinLizards

    Look Out Californians!

    Heather is movin down :main_evilgrin:!!! That's right...the beginning of next year I will no longer be an Oregonian, it's sad, but true. I will be moving to the bay area (San Fransisco). It is just time for a change, and I think a change is exactly what I am needing right now. I have quite a...
  9. LeapinLizards

    Ok, and update on my hognoses...

    I keep coming back to this thread to see that albino female...more pictures soon I hope :main_yes:??
  10. LeapinLizards

    Ok, and update on my hognoses...

    They are all STUNNING Gregg, I'm very happy for you! I'm in LOVE with that albino girl though :smitten:
  11. LeapinLizards

    Stress leading to big health problems...

    Now for the update...not a good one, but an update nonetheless. The test results came back all indicative of a syndrome called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome/Disease (PCOS). This would explain everything...severe abdominal pain, lack of sleep, headaches, loss of hair (over half), etc. A big part...
  12. LeapinLizards

    Hey Eric!! ;)

    Eric, that snake is definitely worth a trip down there to see you guys!!! :main_yes: Absolutely gorgeous Fe!
  13. LeapinLizards

    Gray Poop?

    Mine have had fecals with a tint of gray to them when they ingest more than their average amount of calcium. I know this sounds gross, but are they normal consistency?
  14. LeapinLizards

    Here ya go Bryan!

    Eric, just when I think I've seen your collection, you come up with a new, even MORE amazing gecko! Absolutely stunning my friend :main_thumbsup:
  15. LeapinLizards

    Stress leading to big health problems...

    I had all my appointments today, and did a TON of testing, gave about 5 vials of blood and all sorts of fun things today. The doctors all seem to think it is a mixture of hormone levels and a severely out of whack thyroid...which would explain everything! I'm really hoping for results and...