Hello, newcomer to the Reptile World.


New Member
Hi all, my name is Jarek. I just got my first Leopard Gecko a couple days ago, actually my first reptile ever. I'm going to post some pics of Leonardo Degeckio & his enclosure. Tips, trick, dos & donts, personal opinions, what to expect, anything helps & will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you :) 20200713_133038.jpg 20200712_142744.jpg 20200712_142752.jpg 20200713_133106.jpg 20200713_133050.jpg


New Member
Welcome! Nice healthy looking gecko! If you end up having specific questions I will do my best to answer them.

Hello! I do actually have a few, newbie questions.
1. How often should I change the D3?
2. Do I need to change the humid hide paper towels everyday?
3. Should I buy a UVB light? (I've heard people who have gotten one, noticed there Leo came out of hiding more)
4. When can I start touching/handling?

Thank you


Staff member
Somerville, MA
1. How often should I change the D3?
I assume you mean the vitamin D3 and calcium that you're leaving in the cage? In general it may not be such a good idea to leave it in the cage at all. There is an issue with geckos getting over supplemented and while some people believe that they'll self regulate, others aren't so sure. I did leave it in the cage for hatchlings, some of whom clearly needed it, but you should consider dusting your feeders and not leaving it in the cage.
2. Do I need to change the humid hide paper towels everyday?
I keep the same paper towels in the humid hides until they get raggedy. I mist them on feeding day.
3. Should I buy a UVB light? (I've heard people who have gotten one, noticed there Leo came out of hiding more)
You can if you want. If you depend on it to actually provide for their vitamin D needs, you'll have to insure that they're basking and change the light every 6 months. There's no guarantee that the gecko will come out more and some don't like the lights. It's not so expensive so it's worth a try.
4. When can I start touching/handling?
In my opinion, once the gecko is reliably eating, go for it.



New Member
What a cutie! Welcome to the forum! I'm new too. I love the name you chose for your gecko haha

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