HELP!! Can't quote

Wild West Reptile

Leopards AFT Ball Pythons
San Jose, CA
OK, If someone can give me a step by step instruction other words, Quoting for dummies.....on how to pull a quote from another user and insert it in a reply post I would REALLLLLY appreciate it. Tokay tried, and I don't get it still. I'm sorry about being a complete computer idiot. I'm lucky I can even insert pictures! I don't care about multiquote yet, just wanna learn to quote first. I searched for a thread and only got multiquote. Still don't get it. Do you copy and paste? After you press the quote button on someone else's post, what's next? What am I doing wrong? Arrrrrrrrrgh!, Im so aggravated! Thanks for any help. :main_huh:


Carpe Diem
Dallas, TX
once you figure it out, you will kick yourself, lol.

at the bottom under this post, you will see boxes that say Quote, Multiquote, Quick Reply, and Thanks. Click on the "Quote" box and scroll down a little. You will see that the reply box will have [ quote ]everything i have typed here [ /quote ]. the only difference is that there will be no spaces between the [ ] and the words. then just type in what you want to say under that, and hit "Post Quick Reply" under the white text box

Wild West Reptile

Leopards AFT Ball Pythons
San Jose, CA
once you figure it out, you will kick yourself, lol.

at the bottom under this post, you will see boxes that say Quote, Multiquote, Quick Reply, and Thanks. Click on the "Quote" box and scroll down a little. You will see that the reply box will have [ quote ]everything i have typed here [ /quote ]. the only difference is that there will be no spaces between the [ ] and the words. then just type in what you want to say under that, and hit "Post Quick Reply" under the white text box

I still don't think I get it. I don't see "post quick reply" It says, "submit reply" or "preview post".


Carpe Diem
Dallas, TX
you got it! you can click on either. preview will just show you what you are about to post, and submit reply will actually post it.

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