I got older, now I’m 11 and can afford gecko, what should I buy?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Think about what kind of gecko you want. If this is your first gecko, you should probably look at a leopard gecko (needs heat, lives on the ground, eats live bugs and worms) or a crested gecko (may not need heat if your house is warm enough, lives higher so needs a tall cage, eats fruit nectar and can also eat live bugs and worms). Find care sheets and read them so you know what you need to do. Don't get a gecko from one of the big-name pet stores because it's more likely that they won't be healthy. Work with you parents about this. If you live near a reptile show, see if you can attend it so you can choose from a variety of geckos. A reputable mail order place to get a gecko is morphmarket.com but you really need to involve your parents in this process.


Herpin Man

I’m going to suggest that you look at African fat tailed geckos. Of the many species that I have worked with, fat tails have been the most durable, least demanding, and most docile.

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