I tried....

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Friendly herp enthusiast
Hollister, CA
Okay, so i have posted one other complaint on here (maybe 3 weeks to a month ago) about how I was not recieving responses to ANY of my posts practically and how it bothered me. I do have to admit that I may have gotten too bent out of shape last time. i had agreed that I would give it another whirl. I was told to keep asking questions, putting up new posts, responding to peoples posts, ect....I did that and MORE! I started putting up AT least 2 posts per day, I asked tons of questions, posted pics alot (which I know people are supposed to like), and focused MAINLY on responding to other posts.......and to no avail. I have to admit that for a couple of days I was getting some response, therefore making me happy but after that it was just the same again. I really just want a straight up answer to this question: Is there any chance of this getting better and me getting responses more? I look forward to getting back on the forums during the day and in the mornings and everytime almost the letdown is that there is no people talking, and no responses. I realize that the people on here are few at times, but when I see that (Ex:) 78 people have viewed all of my posts and yet no responses at all, that makes me feel not welcome. Not only that, but it frustrates me (and its supposed to be fun and relaxing), AND it seems like I put in WAYYYYYYY too much effort to even talk to anyone! What I am saying to you is that I am not having the best of luck nor the best time and your advise and comments are appreciated. i am not going to leave, because the links are great and the things I have read, but is this a site that I have to just look at "every once in a while", do you think?

im faster

Should Slow Down
Miamisburg, Ohio, United States
Well i just looked at all the posts you started over 20.. and 3 have not had replies..

this is the second post you have made like this..

and personally i dont like you.. and probably will not respond to any other post you make

you have done more complaining than any 3 people combined.. you ask the same question over and over.. posting it in different sections...


Shillelagh Law
78 people have viewed all of my posts and yet no responses at all

Views are not unique. It registers a view every time anyone opens a thread, or moves to a new page on a thread; that includes every time you opened it, or anyone opening it more than once. Seventy eight views is not seventy eight people.

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt. This once, I will assume you are asking an honest question and not just bitching for attention. This. Once.

If you want to interact with people on a message board, your best bet is to post interesting things in an engaging manner.

Interesting things are going to be those around which there can be discussion or debate, new and unique ideas, subjects which encourage the formation of an opinion or those which leave room for interaction and response. If you create a thread and leave little or no room for discussion, or are introducing a topic that people have already discussed, seen, considered and finished with, then you will get few (or no) responses. Choose a topic and a manner of presentation that sparks interest and leaves a reader wanting to communicate their own ideas and you will have many responses. Additionally, choose a subject about which individuals can respond to one another in addition to your initial post; if the thread is restricted to a short number of possible responses all directed at your thread starting post, it will sputter out quickly.

If you really just want responses of some kind and don't care too much about what they are* then start a thread-game type of topic. The basic formula works anywhere, you could put a reptile spin on it if you were inclined. Movie quotes are a constant, we already have a what are you listening to thread, name that herp by nomenclature/photo would probably generate a bunch of self-perpetuating responses in short order.

What you should not do is moan and cry constantly if you fail to capture the interest of other members of the site. That kind of behavior will leave you poorly regarded and ostracized. If you're trying to insinuate yourself into a community, the last thing you want to do is irritate those who are already established. Posting melodramatic, self centered complaints in a forum for Suggestions is not a good start.

*motivation which I do not understand at all.


Friendly herp enthusiast
Hollister, CA
WOW! With the exception of that last post (M_Surinamensis), you people are super rude. Listen, I bitch alot because I feel that people should be excited about the things that I am excited about. I have also posted many things about how i am having issues with my herps/ect... and I barely get anything. I can take critisizm to an extent, but the comments that I just read are really harsh and I really am pretty hurt and upset that I am OBVIOUSLY someone who is unliked and "ostracised" on this forum. I may feel that things are interesting and relevant when you do not....just like alot of topics that you guys post are stupid in my oppinion...I dont talk trash though. Oh...and "I'm faster"....You can go die somewhere...and karmas a bitch. I don't like you either. This is about to be a site that I will no longer be on if this sort of behavior toward me continues! Do you even want me on here??????


hdavidf309 what is going on? that mouth you have is not going to get you anywhear but maybe bannted from one of the mods. You can not talk to us like that and think we are going to just be okay with that thats not going to fly. M -Surinamensis is right if you want a repons in your thread then make it worth reading okay I was reading all of your threads and to very honest with you I am not very please with them. I am going to agree with fuzzylogix I think you are only looking to get attention okay you will get it but it will not be very pretty. I think it is time you grow up here and act like a human being.


New Member
Fort Worth, TX
WOW! With the exception of that last post (M_Surinamensis), you people are super rude. Listen, I bitch alot because I feel that people should be excited about the things that I am excited about. I have also posted many things about how i am having issues with my herps/ect... and I barely get anything. I can take critisizm to an extent, but the comments that I just read are really harsh and I really am pretty hurt and upset that I am OBVIOUSLY someone who is unliked and "ostracised" on this forum. I may feel that things are interesting and relevant when you do not....just like alot of topics that you guys post are stupid in my oppinion...I dont talk trash though. Oh...and "I'm faster"....You can go die somewhere...and karmas a bitch. I don't like you either. This is about to be a site that I will no longer be on if this sort of behavior toward me continues! Do you even want me on here??????

If you are going to continue with these types of posts, then no. No one is forcing you to read or post here. If you don't like the site then please leave. I am closing this thread.


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
I couldn't agree more with M_Surinamensis. (Although it is funny that you were singled out as the good guy, Seamus.)

Unfortunately, not everyone who reads a post feels like answering or even has an answer. Creating threads to complain about this never boost popularity and usually accomplishes the opposite. Don't make it personal when it's not. I've had plenty of threads that only have a couple of responses and I've been here for years. Let's not start a war over not getting the attention you're hoping for. After all, this is a pretty awesome place but it is only an internet forum.
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