
New Member
i have a leopard gecko with MBD. She has one leg that she pretty much walks more on her forearm now, but all 3 other joints are still perfectly healthy. She is honestly really chunky with a huge tail, loves being held every night, and has a lot of energy.

lately i’ve realized she really isn’t eating really. we have a bowl of mealworms available (she hasn’t eaten any) and we usually put 3-4 crickets in her tank at a time that never seem to be eaten. This is how she’s eaten her whole life since we’ve had her in september. I’m finding that she steps on the crickets and kills them more actually eating them!
i’ve been putting calcium on my finger and trying to get her to lick it just to help her because one other leg does look a little swollen. however she hates it and won’t lick it up. How can I help her get her nutrients? She’s so chunky it feels wrong to try to syringe feed her but i’m willing to do anything to help my gecko!
We use - repashie calcium plus


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Do you think she really hasn't eaten since last Sept (it's possible; I had a gecko who some years wouldn't eat between November and May)? For the calcium, dip your finger in water, dip it in the calcium and rub the paste on her nose or the side of her mouth. She'll most likely eventually lick it off. If necessary, there is also liquid calcium and a vet can give a calcium injection. See if she'll eat if you hold her and gently press a feeder at her mouth. Also, if she has visible MBD in her limbs, she likely also has MBD in her jaw and may be having trouble chewing. You could try gutting a mealworm or cricket (yes, it's kind of gross) and rubbing the guts on her nose for her to lick off. Good luck.



New Member
Do you think she really hasn't eaten since last Sept (it's possible; I had a gecko who some years wouldn't eat between November and May)? For the calcium, dip your finger in water, dip it in the calcium and rub the paste on her nose or the side of her mouth. She'll most likely eventually lick it off. If necessary, there is also liquid calcium and a vet can give a calcium injection. See if she'll eat if you hold her and gently press a feeder at her mouth. Also, if she has visible MBD in her limbs, she likely also has MBD in her jaw and may be having trouble chewing. You could try gutting a mealworm or cricket (yes, it's kind of gross) and rubbing the guts on her nose for her to lick off. Good luck.

Thank you so much for your reply! She used to eat a lot. There was a period of time where she wouldn’t come out / eat in the winter (i would freak out and get upset lol) . But then she went back to normal and ate alot. Ever since she really started showing the signs of MBD she has been eating less. i heard that if they have a rubber jaw they have trouble lifting their heads (not sure if that’s true?) but she is able to lift her head a lot and lick her mouth. That’s smart about rubbing it on her mouth with the water, I was just doing it when it was dry and hoping she licked it! So thank you

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