Slightly weird hatchling, fluid (yolk?) build up?


New Member
North Carolina
This baby hatched out on 6/18 at 52 days incubated at 82-83F
At first I was initially concerned because it wasn't an albino (mentioned in my thread in the "show off your leos" subforum) but now that it's had a few days to settle in I'm worried about it's odd stomach.
It doesn't have any of the obvious issues like attached umbilical/yolk sac or a hernia, but it is a bit distended and weird looking. I'll include a few pictures. At this point I'm hoping it's just some leftover yolk that wasn't absorbed completely, but since it's almost three days later and it hasn't dissipated significantly I'm worried. It's also odd that it's not just concentrated in the stomach or intestinal region? It seems to start almost in the chest cavity, which makes me concerned it could be lymphatic fluid. The baby hasn't shed or had a first fecal yet but I will comment when it does. It doesn't seem to be in any pain and doesn't have trouble moving around, I'm just worried it won't thrive or start eating on it's own. Hopefully I'm worried over nothing but it's different than any hatchling's stomach I've had in the past so I'd love to get some comments/opinions on it.


(terrible picture, but I had to take it with flash to get any detail and holding the tub with one hand and the phone with the other does not make for great pictures)


And one from the side.

Thanks in advance!


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I did produce a gecko once that seemed to have liquid under the skin all over the body, but it looked much worse than yours (it didn't survive). I don't think this looks too terrible and I recommend treating it like a normal hatchling and seeing what happens with it.



New Member
North Carolina
Thank you very much! I've been treating her the same as any other hatchling for now, though I have been keeping her a bit more humid than I typically do just in case she has shedding issues due to the fluid build up. I'm very sorry to hear that your hatchling in a similar predicament didn't make it. ):
She is acting like a typical hatchling at the moment, spending a lot of time in the warm hide and is very alert when I check on her. I'll keep this thread posted when she sheds / defecates and if she starts eating on her own.


Ridgewood, NJ
Once they're fully formed in the eggs I think most gecko species have some wiggle room as to when they hatch. In other words, they can kinda decide when to pop out. The longer they stay in the egg the better as they get to use the yolk for growing rather than running around but they can pop out and run away if something disturbs them or they just decide its time. My bet would be your little one hatched a bit earlier than some others and still has a lot of internal yolk to absorb. Of course, it could be something else and I could be totally wrong, time will tell. I would take Aliza's advice and continue to treat it normally. I wouldn't be surprised if it takes your little one longer to poop for the first time and a bit longer to start eating as he has food left over from the egg. Good luck with him and keep us updated!


New Member
North Carolina
Thank you very much! This little one actually shed and pooped overnight, but I'm going to wait a few days to offer food. I'll try to keep this updated.

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