Coco Fiber Disaster!


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
OK so my females have made a mess in every tub with coco fiber, I usually get the little dust pan and put it back in but decided it was time to replace it anyway. So I got the shop vac to vacuum it all out. I get all but the last 2 tubs then the filter in the vac blew from where I had gotten it wet from the sink leaking. The fiber went every where and the circuit blew.

I went downstairs to reset the breaker and before I got all the way back up I got sick, I had EMily run get me a cup and I puke dup coco fiber all the way to the bathroom.

Then I get to where I cannot breathe, I felt like I just could not catch my breath at all. I thought it would go away but after coughing up clear foam with brown specks which I assume were coco fiber for 30 minutes I tried to lay down.

That made it worse so I had Cody get the phone and I called 911. They came and said my heart rate was a little fast but fine, my pulse was tacky and my pulse ox was bad. I have no idea what all of that means but they kept me on oxygen for almost an hour and wanted me to go to the hospital but I refused because I could not find my dad to come get the kids.

This was all around 1pm, they said that if within an hour I did not feel better I needed to call back but I still couldn't get in touch with my dad.

By 4pm I found him but was feeling a lot better. I could breath but I still feel like someone beat the crap out of me and jumped up and down on my chest.

Im just glad the kids were in the living room and I was in the bedroom so they were not affected, that could have been a really bad disaster.

So scoop your coco fiber, don't take chances, Im threw it all out and going to change it over to peat moss.


OMG Wendy! How scary! I hope you're feeling better. Take care.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
WOW!!! What an ordeal, Wendy! I'm glad the kids were out of the picture, but maybe you should go see a doctor to make sure everything is OK... ?

The NY Gecko

Don't Get So Carried Away
Rochester, NY
Sorry about all that, I had coco fiber and I hate it too. Out of curiousity, your explanation is kinda confusing, how exactly did it get in your throat to begin with.


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
Oh Wendy, that is horrible! Glad you are feeling better now. I agree with Marcia, you should definitely make a doctors appointment and get checked out.

It is good news that your kids didn't see it. I remember when I was young, I was with my mother and she had some kind of attach, could barely breath and had chest pains. A few minutes later she was fine, but It was very scary!

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