It's HOT. My A/C is out!!!


Leo Addict
Las Vegas NV
silentjohn said:
Swamp coolers are great, to a point. Anything over about 90-94 degrees and they are pretty much worthless.
I'd have to dissagree its the humidty that cuased the swamp cooler not to function at its best. I have a good friend that lives 1 hour north of Las Vegas and his summers reach 127 degrees its typically 10 degrees warmer for him than Vegas. He uses one swamp cooler for a large 2-3 car garage where he houses his turtles year round they can't with stand water temps over 86 degrees and the swamp cooler keeps the turtles save and sound even at the 127 he experienced during the hottest heat streak in over 100 years (120 plus degrees for him for 10 straight days).

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
A swamp cooler was what my friend Daniel was using for his reptile building, and it failed miserably in this heat. I don't know much about them though... I'm strictly an A/C kinda gal!

(BTW, it's down to 108 outside at 7:00 pm, and it's a chilly 82 degrees in the house... YAY!)


Temperatures dropped a bit today! (by like 1-2 degrees) Wooo! Lets hear it for the CA people.

i dont work tomorrow, thismakes me happy.

its only 85 in my tanks now. *dances*

All my geckos are running around like its a party.


I am so sorry to read of the misfortunes and stress that the extreme heat and humidity is creating for so very many people
I lost my central air unit 2 yrs ago and decide that it would be a lot cheaper to replace it with 3 new window ac units
It's worked our well as we have a very small house and the new ac units are all digital controlled and I believe that they will be even cheaper to operate than my ancient central unit
I had swamp coolers in Colorado and I could never get over the idea of actually putting moisture into the air-being from Illinois-LOL
I do remember that they did not work well in extreme heat
I use to live in a one bdrm apt with an ancient ac unit in the wall an I kept many tanks of topical fish
It was a nightmare the year-'95-I believe that we had the heat wave here with weeks of 100 degrees plus high humidity
I was floating bags of ice and frozen water bottles in the fish tanks to keep them cool-light on them at night only for a short while etc.
Those were my pre-reptile days
I hope that everyone and their pets get through the rest of the summer OK'
My heat goes out to Daniel


Move over Marcia...

I'm packing the Tahoe and driving over!!!! I have A/C at work which is where my incubator is (ssshhh don't tell anyone) but we are cookin' at home. My son wanted to bring the bearded dragon into the our hot tub (which is really a cool tub right now) because that's where we hung out all weekend and each evening. This weather is crazy! Good luck everyone and think FOG!!!!


New Member
Roseville, California
Wow, I guess I'm not the only one! Our AC went out last Friday at 5:30 PM. Good thing I was home. It started getting hot in the house, and I began to wonder why it was 86 in the house with the AC on. I went outside and the AC was OFF, and the fan was blowing hot air into the house. I had someone come out on Saturday, and it appears the AC unit is getting so hot it is tripping the circuit breaker. Two hours after the AC repair guy left it tripped the circuit breaker again. So we have been without AC since then, and hopefully someone will come tomorrow to fix it. It has been brutally hot here. It got up to 114 Monday-Wed. Fortunately I had 2 wall AC units sitting around from our old house, so those have kept the gecko rooms cool, but the kitchen gets up to 90 each day. I think we are going to replace the AC unit even if it is fixable, can't take a risk on losing our collection! The AC is probably original with the house (27 years) so I guess it is due to be replaced.

And to make matters worse, on Sunday we lost power for 3 hours. I have a shed outside where I breed mice and rats, and without AC it only takes a few minutes for the temps to start rising to dangerous levels. I had to unload all the rodents and put them in the house. It took an hour to unload everything, and was 103 in there by the time I finished. I lost a couple super pregnant mice, but the rest were OK. Time to get a generator.

This week has been one of my most stressful ever! I don't think the summer is my favorite season anymore.
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Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
WOW, Steve... that's awful! Fortunately you have the window A/C units! I am actually considering getting one as a back-up for the reptile room, but I would have a hard time justifying it to Glenn without getting a second one for our bedroom, LOL... but then again, it's pointless to have them if there is no power. A generator would be a good idea.

Our county has been having rolling black-outs here for the better part of a week, but fortunately we are very close to a hospital and are on the same electrical grid so we are exempt. There are a few areas that have been without power for over 3 days due to 'fried' transformers. Elderly people are dying!


I'm baaaaaack!
Steve, sorry to hear that! Even though it's usually staying below 90 here, the humidity is usually around 90-100 with NO breeze, so being without A/C right now would be awful.

I had a very similar issue with my A/C a few years ago, and it turned out that I needed the electrical service panel for the house replaced. We thought it was the A/C unit itself, but I'm glad the electrician caught it before we forked over the cash for a new A/C.


New Member
Central California
Wow, Steve, that's no fun at all!! We have a generator on the list of things to get, too. The weather has cooled off here - the fog has arrived! Yesterday and today it has been upper 60's with the sun making its appearance for just a few hours mid-day - normal summer weather again. I can't believe I'm glad to see it!


This summer has been pretty mild with only a few days of 90+ temps. We do need some rain though, we got a little but we need some more. My dad in St. Louis lost electricity for about a week. He went and stayed at the casino...nice to be retired I guess. A generator has been on my "need to get" list, which seems to be getting longer even though I have been buying stuff on that damn list forever!!!

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