New to the Forum.. but my gecko might have a problem!


New Member
Hey guys, I'm new to the forum. I've browsed through the website a bit and did some research- very informative, helpful, interesting group of people (and geckos) :main_cool3:

I purchased my gecko from P-Etco about five weeks ago. After bringing it home (not sure if it's a male or female yet), everything was fine- it would eat crickets and mealworms regularly, while its poop appeared very normal. It's about 10 weeks old now.

Over the past two weeks, my leo has been acting a bit strange- hasn't been eating as much, and its poop has been discolored/ not as solid as it used to be. It also seems to have lost a little bit of weight, and isn't as active.

Humidity is between 30% and 40%, while temperatures are between 80 degrees and 88 degrees. At night, the temperature drops to between 76 degrees and 82 degrees. I also have a heating pad under one side of the glass tank.

Here is a picture taken on 10/14/2010- when it was eating normally (nice and plump, as you can see):

For some odd reason, my Leo tends to shake a little bit too :main_huh:.
Here's a video of him shaking/ shivering:

and a picture of the terrarium / living habitat:

My Leo hasn't eaten any crickets or mealworms in over one week. The only thing it's eaten was his skin- which shed without any complications.

Any comments/input/suggestions about this issue would be great. Thanks in advance!

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Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
You're temps are too cold on the hot side. At least 93 degrees floor temp. Second you need a probe thermometer to monitor floor temp. Also if you're leaving crickets in his tank to eat they could be stressing him or nibbling on him when you're not looking (I didn't see any cricket food in the tank so it's very likely) any uneaten crickets should be removed. Have you tried any other type of feeder such as superworms? He doesnt look extremely thin but he is getting there. parasites also comes to mind esp. coming from where he did. You should have a fecal check done at the vets to determin if he has internal parasites. Leos do eat their sheds and some tend to go off feed for a bit while they shed so hopefully this will right itself now that his shed is over but I would still have the fecal exam done regardless.
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New Member
Sheffield, UK
I think the reason your gecko is not eating as much is because the temps are too cold as people have mentioned. if its too cold they cant digest food as well and so won't eat as much.
So as others mentioned, knock your temps up, and keep them controlled with a thermostat. He should start eating again soon.

The shaking doesnt seem too weird, i dont know what it is exactly but are you sure its not just him rubbing up against the glass? Or shaking because he's too cold, i dunno if geckos shiver like we do... but it didnt look like anything to worry about.
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Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
Could he be shaking because he is trying to intimidate his reflection? Kind of like a threat posture thing? Eros does this to his reflection sometimes during feeding. He doesn't shake but he'll see his reflection in the tank wall ('cause we have it blacked out they're like really reflective IDK)...and he'll give it the "stink eye" know what I mean? Or if he is cold, do leo's shiver? Also if he's cold muscles could be stiff and a bit weak so maybe it's an off gait from stiffness.

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