Newbie from Northeast Texas!


New Member
Northeast Texas
Hello! I'm Emily Rose, and after impulse buying a gargoyle gecko at a herp expo in Austin this weekend, I decided it was time to find a good forum to get into!

This isn't my first reptile, but it is my first gecko! His name is Aberforth and he is a very handsome young man!:smitten:


I'm already in love with him. I'm working on putting together his adult set-up already, while he's settling in. He's on paper towel right now so that I can monitor him better, and so far he's mostly just finding really weird positions to chill out in.


He won't be handling-ready for another couple of weeks from what I understand, but I'm really excited for it! He was very jumpy when I held him at the expo, and attempted an escape in the brief time of handling while moving him from deli cup to new enclosure. :rolleyes:

As for the rest of my collection, I am a proud keeper of...

- One four year old male bearded dragon, Paarthurnax
- One adult male ball python rescue of unknown age, Ricky
- One three year old adult female corn snake, Nini
- One two year old adult female cockatiel, Coquiqo
- One less-than-one year old adult male betta fish, Asskicker
- One senior yorkshire terrier, Bella
- One less-than-one year old border collie mix, Shepard
aaaaand finally,
- One adult male ginger rescue cat, Jonesy

So I've got a pretty big family! My whole family takes care of the cat and two dogs, but the rest are my varied scaled/feathered children. :D

I'm hoping to find some really good advice and some really enthusiastic fellow hobbyists here! I'm also a very amateur artist, so I'll probably also end up doing some artwork of both my own little darlings as well as anyone else's who requests it! All in all, I'm really excited to have found this site. :)


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Welcome to GF! I like gargoyles a lot. I have a male and 3 females and am waiting for my first eggs to hatch, probably within the next 2 weeks. Enjoy yours.



New Member
Northeast Texas
Thank you! I've been doing some reading about their breeding and I'm thinking that might end up being my first breeding project, although it definitely won't happen for a few years since I'm a relatively broke college student right now. I can't wait until I have the funds and space for it! I hope you have good luck with these eggs, I'd love to see the little ones when they hatch out.

I'm already absolutely in love with Aberforth. The several weeks of waiting before handling are going to be tough, but he's so lovely just to look at too that I don't really mind. :)

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