Texture of MOST Fertile Eggs?

Double D

New Member
Kentucky, USA
So I was wondering what most fertile eggs texture, look, and size is? I had my first two clutches from my first time female laid this year. The first clutch was completly different in size and texture from the second. The first ended up caving in and molding. They were soft and jelly like when laid, and more oblong than egg shape. But now the second clutch is much firmer and and more egg shaped than the first two. They have been in bator for a week and are now quite hard feeling, the first two never felt like that. I candled these and do see a tiny pinkish dot in there, the first two I never seen that it was all yellowish looking all the way through. Just trying to learn. But fear not I'll put anything in the bator until I'm positive they are bad. So all input is appreciated. Thanks in advance! :main_thumbsup:


New Member
Oregon, IL
Yeah, a fertile clutch will *generally* be egg shaped (though I've had some oblong..and square looking eggs before...that were fertile). When they're first laid they're a little spongy but should not feel like a water balloon or a blister. If they do, they're most likely infertile. A few hours after being laid they sort of feel like a stale marshmallow..chalky and firm. They should remain that way until they hatch.

Double D

New Member
Kentucky, USA
The second clutch is is much like a stale marshmallow, a bit harder though. The first clutch was alot like a jelly filled balloon. Thanks for the response Khrysty!


New Member
Oregon, IL
No problem. A lot of times with first time females, their first clutch is infertile so I wouldn't worry. You should probably get fertile eggs from here on out :)

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