What does lavender mean for crested geckos?


New Member
Louisville, KY
Hi, I've been trying to familiarize myself with the various morphs and traits of cresties, and more then once I've seen the word "lavender" used to describe a color. What color is it exactly?

Also, does anyone know of a guide to crestie colors? I know every species has its own standard for colors. I've found a few for morphs and traits, but nothing that explains the difference between chocolate and mocha, or cream and yellow, for example.

Thanks in advance for your help!


Well-Known Member
Massachusetts, United States
Lavender is an animal that actually looks lavender/gray when it is fired up. It's a faded out brown shade.

The reason there isn't a definitive color guide is because crested geckos come in all different shades. It's not as though there is one color of "orange" and all orange crested geckos will be that exact shade. It's more a judgement call. I've linked a few guides below, but you can also just Google a crested gecko color and look at images to help understand certain shades.

Specifically on the ones you mentioned: Cream is a very light, ivory color, while yellow is darker and more saturated. Chocolate is a darker, deeper brown than a mocha. (Brown shades go along a spectrum... black, chocolate, mocha, lavender.) Also, it's important to remember that a crested gecko's color is determined when they are fired up; a lot of animals appear a completely different color when unfired.

Crested Gecko Morph Guide: Colors, Morphs and Traits | moonvalleyreptiles.com
Crested Gecko Morph Guide | The Gecko Geek


New Member
Lavender is a term used to describe a color morph in crested geckos. It refers to an animal that appears lavender/gray when it is fired up. It is a faded out brown shade. However, it's important to note that crested geckos come in various shades and colors, so there isn't a definitive guide for crested gecko colors. Each individual gecko can have its own unique coloration. check out https://lizard-pets.com/general-lizarding/crested-gecko-morphs-with-pictures/

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