wow, some people.


Let's Go Bears!
Nothing wrong with a fight every now and again, as long as you don't start it and you're defending yourself. If someone chooses you, what else can you do but fight, especially if they start swinging first.

You guys might not like this but that's what I tell my 8 year old son. I tell him to stay away from trouble. But if someone hits him, or is going to hit him, he has to defend himself. Sorry, but that's my point of view. Luckily, he's never been in a fight (thank god!).

The NY Gecko

Don't Get So Carried Away
Rochester, NY
gixxer3420 said:
No , thats how the punk kids are in rochester they just run their mouths, thats it.
See, someone knows. No matter what happens, theyll still talk. The greatest thing about all of this is that it was almost pitch black on the side street we were on with the exception of one light, and couldnt see faces well, only outlines.


Personally I have a horrible temper and sometimes I do not realize that I am running my mouth when someone aggitates me, so I see where Tom is coming from. If someone was coming at me I would defend myself too. That being said I also agree with those people who do not think it is a good idea. The world has become a very unsafe place and it can be very unsmart to take on someone who could possibly have a weapon. I think you should consider the fact that he may feel that he needs to defend his pride or whatever and he may try and find you or the next time you see him he may have a gun or a knife and you may not be soo lucky. I would be on guard, people do not give up on things so lightly.


pawsfoot said:
Personally I have a horrible temper and sometimes I do not realize that I am running my mouth when someone aggitates me, so I see where Tom is coming from. If someone was coming at me I would defend myself too. That being said I also agree with those people who do not think it is a good idea. The world has become a very unsafe place and it can be very unsmart to take on someone who could possibly have a weapon. I think you should consider the fact that he may feel that he needs to defend his pride or whatever and he may try and find you or the next time you see him he may have a gun or a knife and you may not be soo lucky. I would be on guard, people do not give up on things so lightly.

a punk kid in his riceburner tried to talk smack at the track.
i talked back more smack

the kid decieded to defend his pride by attacking me
unlucky as he was, i happend to have a 7/16 wrench behind my back :main_laugh:

that was a weeks ban from the race track :main_thumbsdown:

The NY Gecko

Don't Get So Carried Away
Rochester, NY
Time to tack on a little more. I noticed the 2 kids when my friend moved far to the left and took out his collapseable baton. This isnt the first time its happened, so me n him always travel armed. I was about ready to take out my pocket knife when they turned around and saw us coming. I have one of those "hot tempers" (italian and german) Its a scenario I like to avoid at all costs, but you never know what someone else has. As the old phrase goes, Id rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it.


and people will never realize that violence never solves anything...

personally if someone called me a vulgar name, tipped off my hat or whatever it was that dude did.. i wouldve just kept going.. no need to wait and see what will happen and put myself in danger.. for all i know that person could have a gun and shoot me for no reason... so why chance it?


No One of Consequence
Somehow, reading all this, knowing tom for the type of person he just seems to be, I am seriously wondering if the kid that tipped his hat off truly had no provocation.

Oh well. No biggy. As I've said before, there is always a need for cannon fodder.

The NY Gecko

Don't Get So Carried Away
Rochester, NY
wilomn said:
Somehow, reading all this, knowing tom for the type of person he just seems to be, I am seriously wondering if the kid that tipped his hat off truly had no provocation.

Oh well. No biggy. As I've said before, there is always a need for cannon fodder.
No provocation was made. Oh wait, maybe he didnt like the fact i was riding my bike down the street and that offended him. ;-)


nora said:
and people will never realize that violence never solves anything...

personally if someone called me a vulgar name, tipped off my hat or whatever it was that dude did.. i wouldve just kept going.. no need to wait and see what will happen and put myself in danger.. for all i know that person could have a gun and shoot me for no reason... so why chance it?

The problem with walking away is that it requires BOTH parties doing so for it to work. If the other party doesn't allow you to walk away, you have no other option but to defend yourself; it does not mean that violence was your choice. Personally, I've never been in a fight in my life; however, I've witnessed enough to know you can't always walk away from it.

A better illustration? One of my girlfriends was downtown a couple of years ago, leaving a club, and a couple of drunk fellas came up to her friend and started lipping off to him. He was totally easygoing, and was clearing things up and shaking one guy's hand when the other sucker-punched him and broke his jaw. He WAS walking away peacefully, but the other guys wouldn't let him.

The thing you have to realize is that not everyone is easygoing like we are; i.e. where we would walk away, they will pursue a fight.


Doesn't matter whether they were drunk or not. Highschool kids can be even worse... do you really need ANOTHER example? We had an incident here just a couple of weeks ago where approximately fifteen girls chased another girl to the point she entered a stranger's house to get away -- and when the owner wouldn't let them in, they proceeded to vandalize his house and car!!!

I can give yet another besides that, from a few years back... namely two buddies who tried to walk away from a fight and ended up with seven or eight guys chasing them halfway across town from the high school and kicking the crap out of them...

It's good advice to say you should "TRY" to walk away, but it's extremely naive to think that it will always work. I'm sorry, but you must not have any experience with this type of thing if you can say that.

What bothers me is that people are making a moral judgement call on Tom's handling of the situation; you can't do that unless you were there, in his shoes. I can sympathize with Tom here because I've seen similar situations more than once in my life, and I know how limited your options are when you're stuck in those situations.


Bells Rule!
You must live in a bad neighborhood or go to/associate with people from one. I hate scumbags... People should stop acting like cave men...


420Geckos said:
You must live in a bad neighborhood or go to/associate with people from one. I hate scumbags... People should stop acting like cave men...
I take personal offense at that extremely rude comment... My friends are not scumbags, nor am I, and Newfoundland actually has the second lowest provincial crime rate in Canada. You'll notice that with each incident I cited, MY FRIENDS WERE NOT THE INSTIGATORS. It's absolutely ridiculous to say someone is a scumbag, caveman, or "from a bad neighborhood" because they've had to defend themselves! One of the incidents I described, I'm not even personally related to; it was a recent news item from the area near my high school. The others were from three completely separate groups of friends, only one of which has ever been associated with any other incidents of violence. The two "drunken" incidents? -- George Street, the most pubs per square foot in North America. The two high school incidents? -- an eight year span apart. I am nearly twenty-nine years old. A person can see quite a bit over the span of ten years of adult life; it doesn't mean I'm hanging out with shady characters, only that I haven't lived my life hidden under a rock.

To insult my friends and myself for illustrating a point when you don't even know us is absolutely uncalled for. To make a comment like you did also generalizes things to quite an extreme; you're basically saying that any area that has any form of violence is a "bad neighborhood".

Please get your facts straight before making assumptions and comments like this in the future.

gixxer3420 said:
this thread is all blah blah blah
Actually, no, it's not. It's called living in the real world. Some of us just haven't led as quiet a life as others.


New Member
Dansville, NY
People should walk away. i live 30 minutes from the city the kids from and the kids in that city are all punks and all they do is run their mouths. Listen when it comes to fighting and self defense I know first hand about it. it took me until i got sued for $11,840 in a self defense case that I started just walking away from fights that can be walked away from. I got stabbed by a kid and I defended myself, I ended up breaking the kids jaw, left eye socket, arm, and dislocated his elbow. now i got sued and lost because the judge considered me a lethal weaepon beacause: I started boxing when i was nine, took 7 years of akido, 3 years of judo. It took me getting sued to realize that you can walk away from anything. big deal if you get hit, call the cops, walk back into the place you came out of, knock on someones house door. There are ways to get away. Once you are away call the cops. So no-matter the situation you can walk away from it, unless there are deadly weapons involved, (knife, gun)


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
Dee said:
It's good advice to say you should "TRY" to walk away, but it's extremely naive to think that it will always work. I'm sorry, but you must not have any experience with this type of thing if you can say that.

What bothers me is that people are making a moral judgement call on Tom's handling of the situation; you can't do that unless you were there, in his shoes. I can sympathize with Tom here because I've seen similar situations more than once in my life, and I know how limited your options are when you're stuck in those situations.

Exactly! :wall::wall::wall:


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
gixxer3420 said:
People should walk away. i live 30 minutes from the city the kids from and the kids in that city are all punks and all they do is run their mouths. Listen when it comes to fighting and self defense I know first hand about it. it took me until i got sued for $11,840 in a self defense case that I started just walking away from fights that can be walked away from. I got stabbed by a kid and I defended myself, I ended up breaking the kids jaw, left eye socket, arm, and dislocated his elbow. now i got sued and lost because the judge considered me a lethal weaepon beacause: I started boxing when i was nine, took 7 years of akido, 3 years of judo. It took me getting sued to realize that you can walk away from anything. big deal if you get hit, call the cops, walk back into the place you came out of, knock on someones house door. There are ways to get away. Once you are away call the cops. So no-matter the situation you can walk away from it, unless there are deadly weapons involved, (knife, gun)

Shoulda woulda coulda its just that, shoulda woulda coulda period.

No one at any time is perfect, people act on things, some act one way while others act in another way and all of us do it different ways at different times and ages in our life.

If you were not there, how can you say you would do it different? And if you can say you would and had done it different with all the talk in this thread could you say you would have done it right and not met up with a gun, knife or other weapon that could have harmed you.

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